Your Attorney Probably Already Owns A Dash Cam: Here Are Three Reasons Why

A dash cam might just be the defensive driver's new best friend. Learn more about why anyone who owns a car should consider getting a dash cam and how they can help you down the line. 1.) Proving you were the victim in a single-car accident. Insurance companies can be suspicious of accidents that only involve one vehicle, especially if you're claiming that you aren't at fault. However, a dash cam can provide evidence that you weren't just a victim of your own distracted driving. Read More 

Been In A Commercial Trucking Accident? Be Sure To Investigate The Trucking Company

If you were recently involved in a car accident that included a commercial truck, you need to make sure that you investigate the trucking company that owned the truck, also known as the carrier. Trucking companies are responsible for maintaining their entire fleet of vehicles, and any failure to do so could open them up to a personal injury lawsuit.  Trucking Companies Are Also Responsible For The Actions Of Their Trucks Read More 

4 Tips For Hiring An Auto Accident Lawyer

If you have been in an accident, whether it was your fault or the fault of the other driver, you may need to hire an auto accident attorney. This way, you are able to receive the compensation you deserve if the other driver was at fault, and you are protected if you were at fault in the situation. If you need an auto accident lawyer, here are four tips to help you get started on the process of hiring the best one possible: Read More 

Personal Injury From The Grocery To The Workplace

A personal injury case involves a lot of evidence gathering and can be highly situational. In addition to proving your side of the argument, you may be eligible for other benefits that could go away depending on how temporary your condition is or how fleeting the proof of your injury may be. Before signing anything, be sure to contact an attorney and consider some of these situational examples to show what could be left on the table. Read More 

3 Ways To Re-Establish Yourself In The Workplace After Becoming Disabled

After becoming disabled, it may initially seem like you may not be able to be gainfully employed again. Irrespective of the type of disability you are dealing with, it is possible to earn an income, have a great relationship with your co-workers and have the unwavering respect of your superiors. Below you will find three solid ways to successfully re-enter the workforce after becoming disabled Part-time Employment Whether you have an advanced degree or desire to learn a new skill-set, working on a part-time basis after being disabled could greatly work to your benefit. Read More