3 Reasons Your Workers Compensation Claim Could Be Denied

Getting injured on the job can be a horrible experience—not only because of the injury itself, but also because of having to file a workers' compensation claim. You may think it will be a breeze and go through with no difficulty, but that is not always the case. Here are three reasons your workers' compensation claim could be denied. 1. Your claim wasn't filed in a timely manner. The most common reason a person is denied workers' compensation is because their claim isn't filed in time. Read More 

Three Factors To Help You Get Child Custody As A Non-Parent

If you believe that you are best placed to raise a child, then you should get his or her custody. This is easy if you are a parent, but it is not impossible if you aren't his or her parent. However, you should be prepared for the hurdles that non-parents face when seeking child custody. For example, you have a high chance of success if you can prove that: You Have Ongoing Relationship with the child Read More 

5 Factors That May Elevate Your DWI From A Misdemeanor To A Felony

In many states, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a misdemeanor criminal offense. However, there are aggravating factors that may elevate it to a felony. For example, your DWI charge may be considered a felony if you: Don't Have a Valid License Many states would treat DWI as a felony if you were driving without a valid license. Driving without a valid license may mean driving with a suspended, revoked or restricted license. Read More 

Spring Projects And Attractive Nuisance Lawsuits: What You Should Know

If you've already started the tedious task of getting your yard ready for spring, you probably don't think of that pile of tools and landscaping materials in your back yard as "attractive." Unfortunately, some of the kids in your neighborhood may disagree. If a couple of them sneak onto your property and get injured fooling around with your tools and supplies, you can end up liable for their injuries under something known as the " Read More 

Overriding The Blame: 3 Ways Insurance Companies Will Blame You For A Motorcycle Accident

Riding your motorcycle may be one of the greatest pleasures in your life, but it is no secret that sharing the road with larger vehicles will put you at risk. However, drivers of other vehicles are supposed to make sure they watch out for motorcycle riders just as much as they would any other vehicle on the roadway. If you happen to be involved in an accident, it will be likely that there will be a car or truck involved. Read More