Mothers Becoming Surrogates: Be Aware Of The Emotions, Effort And Potential Concerns

Surrogacy is a wonderfully unselfish act that helps others to live out their dream of a having a family. It is not something people should attempt without careful thought because not every woman can emotionally manage the process. Women with families of their own are often drawn to becoming a surrogate because they understand the incredible gift children are to their parents. However, there are many details and potential problems that can occur during this long process. Read More 

You’re Losing Your Vision: But Do You Qualify For Social Security?

When you start suffering from vision loss or macular degeneration, it can be hard to live a successful and comfortable life. However, many people who suffer from severe enough vision loss (legal blindness) can qualify for social security benefits. Here's what you need to know about whether or not you qualify. Understanding Legal Blindness When you start losing your vision, your acuity will begin to drop below what is considered normal or acceptable for typical vision. Read More 

Three Things To Remember When Handling An Amicable Divorce

It is completely possible to have an amicable divorce if both parties involved can set aside their feelings and act like adults. If you and your spouse have come to the end of your marriage and the relationship is over, you can easily handle your own divorce proceedings without the assistance of an attorney. This option is best when neither party is seeking alimony or spousal support, and there are no children affected by the divorce. Read More 

Is A Delay In Treatment After An Accident Fatal To Your Personal Injury Case?

Is not seeking medical care immediately after an accident fatal to any future lawsuit if you are, in fact, injured? Not necessarily, but you should be prepared for how the defense will try to use the issue and learn what you can do to minimize the problem. Why is a delay in treatment after an accident a problem? Not getting treatment fairly quickly after an accident can give the defense room to argue that you might not have been seriously injured—at least, not in that particular accident. Read More 

Sex, Summer And Lawsuits: When You May Be Able To Sue A Former Lover

Summer means that school is out and there is going to be a lot of partying. It also likely means that there will be flirting and sex. While this can often be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing, especially if you end up with a sexually transmitted disease or a sex tape. However, if either of these situations arise, you may have options to protect yourself afterward. Read More