Know Your Rights: DUI Frequently Asked Questions

If you have been stopped for driving under the influence, you are very likely in some legal hot water. However, it is important that you are fully aware of your rights so that you can be defended should your case go to trial. How intoxicated does one have to be before being convicted of driving under the influence? You are illegally operating a vehicle if you are driving while impaired by alcohol. Read More 

Tips For Handling Your Child’s Social Security Funds

If your children have lost a parent, they will likely be entitled to receive social security payments until they are 18 years old. Children may also be eligible for social security benefits for other reasons, such as if one or both of their parents are disabled. The payments for your children's social security will likely be issued to you, and here's how you can best manage those payments for the ultimate benefit of your children. Read More 

3 Reasons You May Be Denied Disability Benefits

Many people wonder if they could get disability benefits after some sort of accident or surgery. Many people qualify for benefits and find it helpful for covering their costs while they recover. However, there are some circumstances where you will not be able to get disability benefits. Here are some things that would disqualify you. 1. Your Disability Is Short Term One of the things the government will look for in your disability application is how long you expect the disability to last. Read More 

Personal Injury Cases: Tips For Proving Fault After A Fall In Someones Home

When you experience a fall in someone's place of business, you naturally know to sue the person responsible for maintaining that business, since their neglect led to the accident. However, what if the accident is in someone's residence? Here are some things to know about this type of injury and how to prove fault. Figure Out Who is Liable For The Injury When you are injured in someone else's home due to a fall, you first need to figure out who is actually liable for that injury. Read More 

Welcoming A Baby From A Foreign County: What You Should Know

If you're seeking to add a new, young member to your family, you may already realize that your adoption choices extend outside of the United States. Each foreign country has their own individual standards for determining parental fitness, but in general they want parents who can provide a safe and loving home for a child in need. Your tasks are not complete with satisfying the adoption requirements of the foreign country, however. Read More